Well, it's that time again. In the midst of all these happy holidays is a week I really don't love: Deer Season. This is a snap of my husband's hunting group. I believe they call themselves the Young Buck Buckmasters. Several of you readers are in the same boat I am: that is, you've got the kids all to yourself this week as your husband exercises what he apparently believes is his God-given right to hunt, drink, carry on like a fool and be a man.
I'm feeling pretty positive about it right now. I've been through a lot of years of this, and a lot of children as well. It doesn't matter if I'm pregnant or nursing or sick, my man still believes the great white hunter in him trumps the family. And I rise to the occasion. I think maybe it's time he started to feel a bit vulnerable by how well I manage without him, eh?
But I'm really strong, and, even at seven months pregnant and facing long days of work and doctor's appointments, I'm up to a challenge. I'll do it, and I'll do it well.
I have been proud to say several times in the past couple of years that I think Shrek is finally growing up. And, even though he's gone again to chase that elusive 20-point dream buck, I'm going to say it again: I think Shrek is finally growing up... a little.
He worked hard to make things right this weekend before he ditched us. He spent the whole day with us yesterday, put up Christmas lights, did multiple sinkfuls of dishes and loads of laundry. He was even up two hours later than me last night folding a mountain of clean clothes and still woke up cheerfully this morning to accompany me to church with our brood.
So, hey, let's all give him the benefit of the doubt this year. Maybe we'll see him more than normal. Maybe he'll answer his cell phone when I need him. And maybe, just maybe, he'll grant my wish of Scrap Week or Shop Week or whatever the hell we "deer camp women" come up with to do for a week while our loving husbands work their normal jobs, coordinate child care, quiz the kids' with spelling words and vocabulary, taxi them around to various events and commitments, do the laundry, keep the dishes under control, wipe the noses, change the diapers, give the baths, cook, and generally love their children as we do.
HA!!!! I can hear you deer camp women laughing. Made ya smile, didn't I? It's hard to imagine, but who knows? It could happen.
Alas, I am tightening my cape, I am strengthening my nerves and my resolve. I may not do this cheerfully, but--oh yes--I will do it.
I know I've been a bit quiet the last five days or so and that many of my blogger friends were quiet as well, and I think it's a good thing. We can't let technology take over the way we live. We have to make those memories and be a part of the stories to be bloggers.
I had a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful weekend. My hope is that you did as well.
So now... now I hunker down and wait for those last few Christmas gifts to arrive. I enjoy the sparkle of my holiday decorations, the lighting up of my children's eyes as we drive around town to take in the holiday light displays. I breathe deeply the scent of my cinnamon clove candle, savor the last couple months of being the mother of just three children.
I work, I drive, I wash, I wipe. And I give thanks for all of these things. The things that make up the fabric of my blessed life.
Oh, and dear Lord, keep those fools safe....