Though my identity as a writer is important, I think I might have misled you yesterday. In reality, I am more of a mother who writes. While I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, I always knew I'd be a mother.
I became a mother at 25. Our firstborn is a girl named Lilith. She is amazingly beautiful, intelligent and tall. I can honestly say that she is probably the one person in my life who has taught me the most about how to truly be selfless. In that, I mean, I had to lose myself--and still do sometimes--to learn to take care of another human being so completely.
Our second is a loving, incredible little boy named Maxwell. Max is a lot like Mommy. He's joy and truth and BOY. He's all boy, but a loving, sweet little thing. I'm convinced he's going to be a wonderful man--the kind every woman wants to marry and every man wants to befriend.
Our baby, who just turned one, is Colby. Colby has a headful of fiery red curls to match the sunshine he brings into our lives everyday. He is an incredibly cute, ornery, gap-toothed reminder that, yes, it is all about the people who matter to us the most.
While the last six or seven years have been a lot of work, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Motherhood is a full-time job. Somewhere in the endless household tasks, the stirring of the day's fifth sippy cup of chocolate milk, the breeding laundry piles, cries for Band-Aids, the marathon nursing sessions and the guilt, I've found myself.
When I look at my reasons/my children, I thank God for the kind human beings I know they will become.
I don't know if my first comment made it or not. :) But anyway, I agree with your predictions for your kids. You have great kids who will grow up to be cherished friends by a lot of people. They're being taught how to be that kind of person by experts.