So last night was our annual Back-to-School Feast. This year's theme: "The Golden Rule, Treat Others As You Want to Be Treated." I admit I put some time, with Lily's help, into preparation for the event, getting the table just so, making some gorgeous paper decorations to complement the whole deal, making dinner and a double-layer, double-chocolate cake. Before you go calling me Martha Stewart, I'd like to also disclose that piles of clean laundry, in plain sight around the folding area of the easy chair in the living room, got to attend the party too. They are still there tonight, and guess what? No matter. Life goes on.

I got the idea last year for a back-to-school feast from a fellow blogger, and I am really digging it. I am happy to host these super kids to a meal in their honor every year before school begins. I like the idea of creating traditions that mean something, but, more than that, I like the idea of sending them off with a theme for the year. Last year's theme? "Do Your Best."
I was tempted this year by "Drink It Up" or "Stay Thirsty" in an attempt to remind them to enjoy themselves, but kids are naturally good at that. (It is we adults that need to be reminded.) In the end, the Golden Rule kept coming to mind. This world is getting harder and harder everyday. While I want my kids to do well, I also really want them to display a spirit of generosity and inclusiveness among their classmates. In a time where emphasis on manners often slips by the wayside, I want my kids (and by my, I mean mine and my sister's) to "treat others the way they want to be treated."
The party was a hit! Baked spaghetti, garlic bread, yummy cake, a marshmallow/toothpick craft and great company all played a part in another successful school sendoff.
Tomorrow, Lily and Julia enter second grade, and Jud takes on kindergarten. Maxwell will enjoy his second day of St. John's Preschool. There's an excitement in the air that can only come with fall. The slate is clean and ready.
Here's to happy, healthy kids, another year of growing in knowledge and love.
If they keep on learning, they'll never grow old.
what a great idea:)