An old snap of Lily, who is more excited about the snow than I am!
Dude, why is it always 11 p.m.?
Not really, but I can't seem to stop at night. I'm always doing "one more thing," no matter what time of year it is and what day it is. I had an amazingly productive and enjoyable day off yesterday and a more relaxing and family-oriented day today. Next up is church and a huge family Christmas party tomorrow. I love this time of year.
And I love this moment...
This one, right here. My beautiful live tree winking at me from across the room; my handsome hubby snoozing on the loveseat and some dumb movie on TV (ok, that could be improved); four kids dreaming of presents, binkies, milk, whatever it is that makes each of them happy; and the thinnest, sparkliest, most beautiful dusting of snow covering the earth, the trees, the roofs and decks outside. FINALLY!
There are so many out there who don't have this. And I hurt for them.
I hurt for those who are lonely (which is different from being alone), for those who are abused in all its many vicious forms, for those who are hungry for food, for comfort, for friends.
I'm not so idealistic that I don't realize this thin blanket of snow is a thin blanket sucking the body heat out of those who desperately need that body heat to survive outside when shelter is hard to find. I know there are some out there who not only don't call their relatives friends, but don't call on them at all. I know there are parents hurting for lost children, parents who would give anything to have that chance to smooth the brow of their sleeping son or daughter just once more. There are neglected and abused children who don't know that the world is bigger than the hell that is their homes.
And for all of them, I pray. I wish them all this moment, or one very similar: A moment where all is calm and all is bright.
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